Birds Queensland is a non-profit organisation that finances its own activities. Our logo is the brightly coloured and beautiful Sunbird which is normally found only between Normanton and Bundaberg.
A major regular activity is the monthly meeting (except January) with a topic presented by a guest speaker. There are regular camps at convenient locations where we observe birds and learn from the more expert members. Birds Queensland usually conducts both a one day and half day bird walk each month.
More information on these and other topics of who we are and what we do, can be found on the other pages in this section of the website. The items below summarise a few of them, for a quick overview.
In 2019, Birds Queensland (the Queensland Ornithological Society Inc) celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of its formation.
The administration and operation of all our activities are overseen by a Management Committee, which is elected by and from members, annually at the Annual General Meeting. Our many activities are all organised and run by volunteer members.
Monthly meetings
The Society holds its monthly General Meetings in the Brunswick Room, Merthyr Road Uniting Church, 52 Merthyr Road, New Farm on the first Thursday of each month (except January). The doors open at 7.15 pm and meetings start at 7.45 pm. The evening’s main address (normally about 40-45 minutes) is followed by a light supper and gives members and guests the opportunity to meet new members, chat, browse or buy bird-related merchandise.
The Sunbird
Birds Queensland publishes a open-access scientific journal, The Sunbird, with articles published during the year as soon as they are finalised. Past issues have been digitised and are now available online.
All members receive the monthly newsletter (except January) which covers a wide variety of topics. It also includes a list of forthcoming activities and reports on recent ones.
The Bower
In May 2014, Birds Queensland and BirdLife Southern Queensland took possession of a Brisbane City Council community facility at Dutton Park. Further details are available here.