Kumbartcho Sanctuary — 2nd July 2024
July 2024 Meeting — 4th July 2024
Scenic Rim Day Outing — 14th July 2024
Our activities include conservation and research-oriented projects, educational activities, and activities which provide opportunities to meet with other people interested in birds and birding and to share experiences.
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We produce a range of brochures and other information on birds in Queensland, and on all aspects of birding in Queensland.
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Bird identification can be difficult, even for experienced birders, and many discussions occur during group walks and camps on this subject.
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We produce a range of brochures and other information on birds in Queensland, and on all aspects of birding in Queensland.
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“Of those bird species known to have been present or to have visited regularly in Australia when Europeans settled in 1788, 1.9% are Extinct and a further 11.5 % are considered Threatened. Some 6.0 % are Near Threatened.”
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Organizations like Birds Queensland assist with scientific research projects by raising money each year and allocating it as grants.
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Birds Queensland is a non-profit organisation that finances its own activities. Our logo is the brightly coloured and beautiful Sunbird which is normally found only between Normanton and Bundaberg.
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Access files, videos and the hardcopy library catalogue
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Welcome to the Birds Queensland member’s area. These pages contain information that will only be available to BQ members.
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Advertising with us

White-cheeked Honeyeater (Phylidonyris niger) © Denise Downham

1.0 About Birds Queensland

Birds Queensland (BQ) is a voluntary Queensland-based organisation with a membership spread throughout the State but with the majority in the south east corner. We also have members in northern New South Wales, ACT, Victoria and Western Australia.

The aim of Birds Queensland is to promote the scientific study and conservation of birds by all means possible, with particular reference to the birds of Queensland. Birds Queensland is the registered trading name of the Queensland Ornithological Society Inc.

Our members come from many backgrounds and have widely differing levels of knowledge about birds. They share an interest in and enjoyment of birds and birding in a wide variety of activities. We have monthly meetings with guest speakers, as well monthly camps and fortnightly walks.

We offer advertising opportunities in our newsletter for you to promote your product, services or accommodation.

Membership Total : circa 920 (as of Nov 2021 – including family memberships)

2.0 Newsletter options

2.1 Newsletter information

Our Newsletter features information on activities for members, and articles on Queensland native birds and related topics.

In addition to our 900+ members, the Newsletter is also exchanged with other conservation groups, so it goes to a wider audience.

The Newsletter is published as a hard copy although most members elect to download their copy from the Birds Queensland website. The downloadable version is in full colour whilst the hard copy has coloured front and back pages (both sides) and the remainder in black and white.

Annual frequency: Monthly (excluding January)
Format: A4 print, and as a download for members only
Typical size: 16 pages
Column width: 1/2 page
Total size of readership: 1,000 people (estimated)
Receipt of printed version: circa 390 members (280 households)
Receipt of email version: circa 540 members

Currently, the cover pages (1,2 – 15,16 currently) are printed in colour, and the electronic version is completely coloured. The center pages can also be printed in colour if required.

It is not currently anticipated that advertisements will be included on pages 1 and 2. Advertisements on the last 2 pages must be coloured.

2.2 Advertising options

  • Advertisement
  • Classified ad
  • Insert

2.3 Advertisement sizes In Newsletter

Advertisements of 1/16 of a page (equivalent to 9-10 lines in one column) are available in black and white only.

Image of advertising sizes


2.4 Classified Ads

Classified ads can be up to 50 words in length (equivalent to 5-6 lines of text) including the subject title, phone numbers and email or website addresses. These are text-based advertisements only. They may consist of a ‘subject title’ no longer that 3 words in length. Classified ads are in black/white only.

2.5 Inserts

Printed inserts are to be provided by the Advertiser in sufficient number for all printed copies. These are to be of no greater than A4 and on no thicker than 90gsm stock. BQ can arrange for its Newsletter printer to quote for the printing of the inserts if required.

The insert graphic (provided by the Advertiser in a suitable format) will be appended to the electronic version of the Newsletter.

3.0 Advertising rates

All prices include GST.

3.1 Newsletter advertisements

Black & White Colour
Classified Ad $25 Not applicable
1/16 Page $35 Not applicable
1/8 Page $50 $60
1/4 Page $100 $110
1/2 Page $140 $155
Full $200 $225


  • Prices are for a single publication. Rates for multiple ads can be negotiated.
  • Locations of ads can be requested however the final locations are at the publisher’s discretion without warning to the Advertiser.
  • Birds Queensland members are entitled to a 50% discount, except for non-commercial classified ads, which members can place for free.

3.2 Inserts

Inserts (400 units) $200 per single page

NOTE: Inserts (printed and suitable graphic) shall be provided by the Advertiser.

4.0 Advertisement deadlines, requirements & policies

4.1 Newsletter advertisements including classifieds

Final confirmation and receipt of final graphics for advertisements must be provided to the Advertising Officer no later that the 5th of the month for the Newsletter to be published at the end of the month.

4.2 Inserts

Inserts must be received by no later than the 20th of the month of the printing and publication of the Newsletter. Check with Advertising Officer regarding the contact details.

4.3 Final content, advertisement location and distribution

Neither BQ nor the Newsletter printer shall be responsible for the final published content of an advertisement. BQ will do its best to meet your requirements regarding the location of advertising in our publication. However the final location is at the discretion of the BQ. Any changes or disruptions to the distribution of the Newsletter are not the responsibility of BQ.

4.4 Graphic requirements

We accept only ”jpeg” files types as advertisements to be inserted into the newsletter.

Please note that Advertisers must possess the copyright usage to the contents of these supplied graphics. No unlicensed content downloaded from the web will be accepted. Final layout, design and inclusion is at the discretion of BQ.

4.5 Payment

Payment terms are net 30 days from the date of invoice.

4.6 Enquiring about and booking advertising

To enquire about our advertising options or to book an advertisement, contact our Advertising Officer (click here to email)

Last updated: April 2022

So, why not join us?

  • Monthly newsletter
    Members receive a monthly newsletter except in January.
  • Library
    Access to over 700 electronic files, videos and hardcopy books and magazines.
  • Outings and activities
    The society holds regular monthly camps and walks for members and guests, as well as monthly meetings.
Sahul Sunbird (Cinnyris frenatus) © Vince Bugeja