Our activities include conservation and research-oriented projects, educational activities, and activities which provide opportunities to meet with other people interested in birds and birding and to share experiences.
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We produce a range of brochures and other information on birds in Queensland, and on all aspects of birding in Queensland.
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Bird identification can be difficult, even for experienced birders, and many discussions occur during group walks and camps on this subject.
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We produce a range of brochures and other information on birds in Queensland, and on all aspects of birding in Queensland.
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“Of those bird species known to have been present or to have visited regularly in Australia when Europeans settled in 1788, 1.9% are Extinct and a further 11.5 % are considered Threatened. Some 6.0 % are Near Threatened.”
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Organizations like Birds Queensland assist with scientific research projects by raising money each year and allocating it as grants.
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Birds Queensland is a non-profit organisation that finances its own activities. Our logo is the brightly coloured and beautiful Sunbird which is normally found only between Normanton and Bundaberg.
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Brisbane Valley Rail Trail, Pine Mountain

Speckled Warbler, Weranga, Qld. (Pyrrholaemus sagittatus) © Vernon Kretschmann


(previously scheduled walk for this date to White Rock Spring Mt. Conservation Estate in Redbank Plains has been postponed to June 18 because of damage from Tropical Low Alfred)

This southern section of the BVRT, between Pine Mountain Quarry Rd and James Rd, proceeds through mixed open forest with some understorey, also one patch of denser vegetation, with birdlife benefiting from permanent water in nearby farm dams. A wide range of birds, including a number of honeyeater species, cuckoos, raptors, some waterbirds, smaller species such as Weebill, Yellow Thornbill and Speckled Warbler, may be observed. https://ebird.org/hotspot/L6343949/bird-list

Grade 2 walk on unsealed, formed, mostly even, and flat to slightly undulating track. Total distance approx. 1.8 km one way. Sun protection advised as the track itself is fairly exposed; carry water.

Note: BVRT is shared with horse riders (who usually use the wide grassy verge, not the formed track) and cyclists so appropriate care and courtesies apply.

Parking: wide unsealed, grassed area, dry at time of writing, fairly level, opposite the entrance, where Pine Mountain Quarry Road crosses the rail trail.

No onsite toilets: there are toilets at Kholo Gardens and Colleges Crossing Recreation Reserve if re-opened after flood (email leader closer to date for current information). Public toilets are also available at Coles Express service station, Karalee (Mt Crosby Rd southbound), Karalee Village, and Ampol and BP service stations on Warrego Highway (westward bound) between Mt Crosby/Pine Mountain turnoff and Brisbane Valley turnoff.

  • Date and Time
    Wednesday, 26th Mar 2025
    7:00 am
  • Location
    BVRT Pine Mountain
    149-165 Pine Mountain Quarry Road, Pine Mountain
    View on Google Maps
  • Leader
    • Meg Gordon
      0427 766 234
  • Walking Grade
    Grade 2
    Formed track. May have gentle hills and some steps. No bushwalking experience required.

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    Members receive a monthly newsletter except in January.
  • Library
    Access to over 700 electronic files, videos and hardcopy books and magazines.
  • Outings and activities
    The society holds regular monthly camps and walks for members and guests, as well as monthly meetings.
Sahul Sunbird (Cinnyris frenatus) © Vince Bugeja