Page Updates
This page will be updated as the situation changes.
- 14th Apr 2022: removed vaccination requirements for all meetings and outings. Removed obsolete information about Check-in Qld app. Adjusted “precautions” according to current guidelines.
- 14 Sep 2022: updated status of Check-in Qld app.
Coronavirus Precautions
- Wash hands regularly with appropriate sanitisers or soap and water. Carry a personal sanitiser pack and avoid touching your face or shaking hands. Maintain appropriate distance when at meetings or gatherings. We now provide hand sanitisers at The Bower and at our monthly meeting venue.
- Members should comply with all government self-isolation requirements and are not to attend Birds Queensland activities during this period.
- People with respiratory symptoms – fever, cough, sneezing, sore throat, or any difficulty breathing – are asked to avoid BQ activities until the nature of their illness is clear and they no longer have such symptoms.
Vaccination status
From Thursday 14th April 2022, there will be no vaccination requirement for people attending Birds Queensland activities.
The situation at Bowra will be governed by AWC policies. See the AWC website for details.
Indoor Activities
Qld Health may from time to time impose restrictions on indoor activities, such as density limits (requiring us to implement a booking scheme) or face-mask wearing. These will be updated as required on the meeting page.
The process of electronic check-in using the Check-in Qld app on your mobile computing device is no longer available. As of June 2022 the Qld Govt stopped collecting this information.
Outdoor Activities
Birds Queensland operated under an approved COVID safe industry plan for Outdoor Recreation Activity Providers, while it was mandated. It has operational plans for its outdoor and indoor activities. Those participating in any Birds Queensland activities will need to observe COVID safe practices as advised by the government.
Covid-19 is still prevalent in the community, so attendees should follow covid-safe practices, such as:
- Unwell people, even with minor symptoms, or who have had contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 must not attend the activity.
- All activity participants must follow the required COVID restrictions including any travel restrictions.
- Participants not from the same household should practice social distancing.
- All activity participants are asked to carry personal sanitiser, water bottle and food and not to share this unless within a family/household group.
- All activity participants to be asked to regularly wash or sanitise hands and maintain personal hygiene.
- Care is to be taken when sharing equipment, including regular hand washing/sanitising.
For gatherings at The Bower, the requirements are similar but take into account the indoor nature of the activity.
Further information
For information, we provide the following links to some advisory documents about the Coronavirus: