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Our activities include conservation and research-oriented projects, educational activities, and activities which provide opportunities to meet with other people interested in birds and birding and to share experiences.
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We produce a range of brochures and other information on birds in Queensland, and on all aspects of birding in Queensland.
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Bird identification can be difficult, even for experienced birders, and many discussions occur during group walks and camps on this subject.
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We produce a range of brochures and other information on birds in Queensland, and on all aspects of birding in Queensland.
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“Of those bird species known to have been present or to have visited regularly in Australia when Europeans settled in 1788, 1.9% are Extinct and a further 11.5 % are considered Threatened. Some 6.0 % are Near Threatened.”
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Organizations like Birds Queensland assist with scientific research projects by raising money each year and allocating it as grants.
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Birds Queensland is a non-profit organisation that finances its own activities. Our logo is the brightly coloured and beautiful Sunbird which is normally found only between Normanton and Bundaberg.
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Sunbird Journal Vol 49

In November 2022 Birds Queensland published issue 2 of volume 49 of The Sunbird journal.

You can now read the full issue online.


We are sorry to say that the initial copies of Sunbird contained an incorrect attribution of authors to the Wet Tropics chapter. The actual authors were Peter Valentine and Emily Rush, to whom we sincerely apologise.

If you previously downloaded a copy of the entire issue, or the “Wet Tropics” article, then please update them. The PDFs available here were corrected on 30th March 2023.

Contents – Vol 49 no 2

  • Robert Bush, Allison Roberts and Jon Coleman,  (and many others)
    Queensland Bird Report, 2018-2019. It comprises the following sections:

    • Noske, R. & Niland, D.: “Queensland Bird Report, 2018-2019. Introduction; Summary of eBird records; Qld weather 2018-19“, Vol 49 (2), pp 1-7 Read the article.
    • Shurcliff, K.: “Cape York (Qld Bird Report 2018-19)“, Vol 49 (2), pp 8-18 Read the article.
    • Niland, D., Wren, J. & Malone, G.: “Torres Strait Islands (Qld Bird Report 2018-19)“, Vol 49 (2), pp 19-24 Read the article.
    • Valentine, P. & Rush, E.: “Wet Tropics (Qld Bird Report 2018-19)“, Vol 49 (2), pp 25-38 Read the article.
    • Shurcliff, K.: “Gulf Plains (Qld Bird Report 2018-19)“, Vol 49 (2), pp 39-48 Read the article.
    • Niland, D.: “Einasleigh Uplands (Qld Bird Report 2018-19)“, Vol 49 (2), pp 49-55 Read the article.
    • Humpherys, A.: “North West Highlands including Gulf Fall Uplands (Qld Bird Report 2018-19)“, Vol 49 (2), pp 56-63 Read the article.
    • Black, B. & Roberts, A: “Central Queensland Coast (Qld Bird Report 2018-19)“, Vol 49 (2), pp 64-72 Read the article.
    • Briggs, A.: “Brigalow Belt North (Qld Bird Report 2018-19)“, Vol 49 (2), pp 73-82 Read the article.
    • Niland, D.: “Desert Uplands (Qld Bird Report 2018-19)“, Vol 49 (2), pp 83-89 Read the article.
    • Ley, A. & Roberts, A: “Mitchell Grass Downs (Qld Bird Report 2018-19)“, Vol 49 (2), pp 90-95 Read the article.
    • Ley, A., Roberts, A & Niland, D.: “Channel Country Including Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields (Qld Bird Report 2018-19)“, Vol 49 (2), pp 96-103 Read the article.
    • Niland, D.: “Mulga Lands (Qld Bird Report 2018-19)“, Vol 49 (2), pp 104-112 Read the article.
    • Roberts, A & McLean, S.: “Brigalow Belt South, including Darling Riverine Plains (Qld Bird Report 2018-19)“, Vol 49 (2), pp 113-123 Read the article.
    • Niland, D & Grimshaw, P.: “New England Tablelands, Including Nandewar (Qld Bird Report 2018-19)“, Vol 49 (2), pp 124-131 Read the article.
    • Redhead, D.: “South East Queensland (Qld Bird Report 2018-19)“, Vol 49 (2), pp 132-152 Read the article.
  • Coleman, J.T. et al.: “Bird banding in Queensland in 2018 and 2019“, Vol 49 (2), pp 153-171 Read the article.
  • Scambler, E.C.: “Research update: Australian Sarus Cranes Antigone a. gillae and Brolgas A. rubicunda“, Vol 49 (2), pp 172-180 Read the article.


In July 2021 Birds Queensland published issue 1 of volume 49 of The Sunbird journal.

You can now read the full issue online.

Contents – Vol 49 no 1

  • Allan Briggs and Richard A. Noske
    The avifauna of Rockhampton revisited after 45 years: additions, deletions and a checklist covering 135 years – Read the article.
  • Andrew Ley and Chris Mitchell
    Additions to the avifauna of Diamantina National Park, Queensland – Read the article.
  • Jonathan T. Coleman, Stephen Macdonald & Ross McMillan
    Survival, movements and breeding success of Bush Stone-curlews – Read the article.
  • Andrew Ley
    The status of the White-fronted Honeyeater in central-western Queensland – Read the article.

We would be interested to hear your feedback on The Sunbird Vol 49 – comments can be emailed to the Secretary.<

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    Members receive a monthly newsletter except in January.
  • Library
    Access to over 700 electronic files, videos and hardcopy books and magazines.
  • Outings and activities
    The society holds regular monthly camps and walks for members and guests, as well as monthly meetings.
Sahul Sunbird (Cinnyris frenatus) © Vince Bugeja